See also [[Calligra/Calligra Mobile|Calligra Mobile]].
{{Note|Please [[../Contact|contact]] us if you are interested in any aspect of KEXI Mobile development}}
KEXI Mobile: KEXI on mobile platforms.
Kexi Mobile (aka Kexi Go! ;) is a project to bring the leading linux desktop database to mobile platforms, concentrating initially on Maemo/N900. MeeGo for phones and tablets goes next (on in parallel).
{{Note|Please [[User:Jstaniek|contact]] us if you are interested in any aspect of Kexi Mobile development}}
Status: IDEA.
* See also [[Calligra/Calligra Mobile|Calligra Mobile]]
* Historical implementation exist, see [[/Archives/]]
|- style="background: #ececec; white-space:nowrap;"
! Status !! Description !! Working On
{{FeatureDone|Set up the build environment using the guide at techbase []|piggz}}
{{FeatureDone|Install the nokia binaries, apps and qt development packaed in scratchbox|piggz}}
{{FeatureDone|Checkout KOffice|piggz}}
{{FeatureDone|Install KDELibs development packages for maemo from []. FreOffice builds against a minimal kdelibs called libkok, but this is more complete and FreOffice is likely to switch in the future|piggz}}
{{FeatureDone|Build KOffice for maemo|piggz}}
{{FeatureTodo|There is no libqt4-qt3support for maemo, so it will be nescessary to port the required parts of Kexi to Qt4 (preferably all!)|piggz}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Design and build the application!|piggz}}
{{FeatureTodo|Abstract some kexi functions out of GUI code, such as project opening|piggz}}
{{FeatureTodo|Modify CMakeLists to create specific Mobile libs (must be all Qt4)|piggz}}