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| ''Craft'' is a tool to build the sources and its third-party requirements. It is the '''easy''' way to build software.
| | #REDIRECT [[Get_Involved/development/Windows]] |
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| == Setting up craft ==
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| === Installing python ===
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| While Craft is capable of installing a embedded Python version sufficient for most packages, we recommend a full installation of Python. The current version is 3.6. [https://www.python.org/downloads/ Download Python 3.6+]
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| === Setting up a powershell ===
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| Powershell is required to be at least version 5.0.
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| If you're running Windows 10 you most probably won't need to update Powershell.
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| You can check the version with <tt>$PSVersionTable.PSVersion</tt> .
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| [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=50395 Download Powershell]
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| or
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| [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/setup/installing-powershell-core-on-windows?view=powershell-5.1 Download Powershell Core]
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| === Setting up a compiler ===
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| Currently Craft supports both the MinGW and Microsoft Visual Studio (msvc) compiler.
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| While MinGW can be installed by Craft, [https://www.visualstudio.com/ Visual Studio] must be installed independently by the user.
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| === Direct X SDK ===
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| If you are using the MinGW compiler, in order to compile the Qt5 ''qtbase'' package you will also need to install the [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=6812 Microsoft DirectX SDK]. Make sure to open a new command line window after the installation for the environment variables to be set.
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| === Installing Craft===
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| # [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/setup/starting-windows-powershell?view=powershell-6 Start a PowerShell environment]. It might be required to run it [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/setup/starting-windows-powershell?view=powershell-6#with-administrative-privileges-run-as-administrator as administrator]. | |
| # Allow execution of powershell scripts by executing the following command:
| |
| #:<pre>Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser RemoteSigned</pre>
| |
| # Install Craft and follow the instructions by executing the following command:
| |
| #: <pre>iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KDE/craft/master/setup/install_craft.ps1'))</pre>
| |
| # Consider adding exception for the entire craft root directory to your antivirus' exceptions, otherwise build of some packages can fail (example: build of <code>frameworks/tier2/kdoctools</code> when AVG is used).
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| === Using the stock Qt SDK===
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| This will skip all Qt packages and use the official Qt builds instead.
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| It will work fine for most CMake based recipes but definitely cause problems with QMake based projects.
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| You will of course also miss all patches we usually apply to Qt.
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| This is only recommended when you know what you are doing and you won't get support for in our channel.
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| | |
| To activate the SDK mode adapt the [QtSDK] section in your etc/kdesettings.ini to something like:
| |
| [QtSDK]
| |
| ## Whether to use prebuild Qt binaries.
| |
| Enabled = True
| |
| ## The path to the Qt sdk.
| |
| Path = C:\Qt
| |
| ## The version of Qt.
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| Version = 5.9
| |
| ## The compiler version, if you are not sure what to use, have a look at the directory set in QtSDK/Path.
| |
| ## The compiler must be of the same type as General/KDECOMPILER.
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| ## If you are using mingw please make sure you have installed the mingw using the Qt installer.
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| Compiler = msvc2017_64
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| == Using Craft ==
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| To use Craft you need to start a Powershell window, point that to <tt>KDEROOT\craft </tt> and run the initalization script. For example:
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| | |
| C:\CraftRoot\craft\craftenv.ps1
| |
| | |
| This tells Craft about your environment settings (e.g. paths). It will load your configuration from <tt>CraftRoot\etc\CraftSettings.ini</tt>. If there are any error messages Craft will not work as expected. The output should look similar to this one (of course with your paths):
| |
| | |
| PS C:\CraftRoot\craft>.\craftenv.ps1
| |
| Craft Root : C:\CraftRoot
| |
| Craft : R:\
| |
| Version : master
| |
| ABI : windows-msvc2017_64-cl
| |
| Svn directory : C:\CraftRoot\download\svn
| |
| Git directory : Q:\
| |
| Download directory : C:\CraftRoot\download
| |
| | |
| Then [https://community.kde.org/Craft start crafting]
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