KTp/Installing stable release: Difference between revisions
Do not point to a specific ktp version on the kde ftp |
m Drdanz moved page Real-Time Communication and Collaboration/Installing stable release to KTp/Installing stable release: As discussed at IRC meeting Real-Time_Communication_and_Collaboration is too long, we are moving all our pages to KTp |
(No difference)
Latest revision as of 00:31, 10 November 2012
This how-to will help you set up stable release of KDE-Telepathy from source on your computer. Most of it takes action in console, but don't worry, it's easy.
Please note that the first release is a Technical Preview, that means it's not feature complete and may eat your dog. But we still encourage you to go and test it and tell us what you want or what you miss.
Packagers please follow the Packaging guide and make less users come here.
You will need to install several cross-desktop Telepathy components. Packages of the following from your distribution should do fine.
- telepathy-mission-control-5 (a must have)
- telepathy-gabble (for GTalk/Facebook Chat/Jabber support)
- telepathy-butterfly (for basic MSN support)
- telepathy-haze (for all other protocols)
The prerequisite for all the Telepathy stuff to build is the TelepathyQt library. Your distribution may package it, in which case you need version 0.9 or higher. Be careful not to confuse it with the telepathy-qt library which used to be in kdesupport SVN. This is *completely* different and in no way compatible.
If your distro doesn't provide TelepathyQt package, don't worry, you can compile it yourself, it's easy.
If you are compiling Tp-Qt and get a warning about needing a newer glib, simply ignore it. Glib is only needed for some internal Tp-Qt tests.
Compiling TelepathyQt
First of all you need to download the latest version of TelepathyQt from here. Extract it to some directory and then switch to terminal and cd into that directory (so if you extracted it in your home folder, do 'cd ~/telepathy-qt').
First we need to create a special build directory and then switch to it.
$ mkdir -p build && cd build
Once there, we'll run the configuration scripts:
If everything went ok and the last line says "Build files have been written", move to the compiling itself. Use -jN for how many cores you have +1, eg. -j3 for two cores CPU.
$ make -j3
Once successfully compiled, you just need to install it and you're done with TelepathyQt. For this, you need to know the superuser password.
$ sudo make install
Installing KDE-Telepathy components
KDE-Telepathy has several components:
* Accounts KCM * Approver * Contact List * File Transfer Handler * Internal library * Presence Plasma widget * Send File plugin for Dolphin * Text UI (the chat window)
Each component will have the exact same steps needed, so we'll put it here just once. Download all packages from here and extract each one into it's own directory. Then just follow the steps for compiling TelepathyQt, but start with ktp-common-internals as that is a basic library needed to compile all other pakcages:
first cd into the component's dir, eg. 'cd telepathy-accounts-kcm' $ mkdir -p build && cd build $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release .. $ make -j3 $ sudo make install
After you finish with all components, you can open System Settings and you'll find new 'Instant Messaging Accounts' icon there and you can set up your accounts there. If something's not working right after the install, you may need to log out and log back in. If you still have problems, feel free to contact us at #kde-telepathy on freenode or file a bug at bugs.kde.org.
Welcome online!